it says that i need to divide 180 into 12 equal groups and i'm only in 3rd grade. So i need help.

Do you know how to do long division? That really helps to know that. The easy way would also be to refer to a multiplication table. It's really hard to explain long division in a chatbox sorry.

Khan Academy has really good videos to teach you:
Scroll down to "Division"

This is also a good website:
Scroll down to "Division" and study the steps.

No problem! I can help you understand how to divide 180 into 12 equal groups. Division is the process of sharing or distributing numbers into equal parts. In this case, you want to divide 180 into 12 groups.

To solve this, you can use long division or repeated subtraction. Here's how you can do it using repeated subtraction:

1. Start with the number 180.
2. Since you want to divide it into 12 equal groups, you need to repeatedly subtract the same amount from 180 until you can no longer do so.
3. Begin by subtracting 12 from 180. The result is 168.
4. Repeat the process by subtracting 12 from 168. The result is 156.
5. Continue this process until you reach 0 or until you can no longer subtract 12 without going into negative numbers.
6. The number of times you subtracted 12 from 180 will give you the answer. So, in this case, you can subtract 12 from 180 exactly 15 times before reaching 0.
7. Therefore, 180 divided into 12 equal groups is 15.

Remember, there are other methods you can use, such as long division, but for third-grade level math, repeated subtraction is a good way to understand the concept of division. Keep practicing, and you'll get even better at it!