What were John Adams contributions to the Revolutionary War?

Plz help i do not understand what it means i have already tried to look it up in my history book but it does not say anything about his contributions.

okay thank you

You're welcome.

What did John Adams do/say/write that moved the colonies more toward the revolution, through it, and ending it?

From https://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/john-adams#section_2
During the 1760s, Adams began challenging Great Britain’s authority in colonial America. He came to view the British imposition of high taxes and tariffs as a tool of oppression, and he no longer believed that the government in England had the colonists’ best interests in mind. He was a critic of the Stamp Act of 1765, in which the British levied a tax on legal documents, newspapers and playing cards in the North American colonies. Adams also spoke out against the Townshend Acts of 1767, which levied tariffs on goods such as paper, glass and tea that were imported to America.

And keep reading:

John Adams made several important contributions to the Revolutionary War. As the second President of the United States, he played a significant role in supporting the war effort. Here's how you can find more information on his contributions:

1. Primary sources: Look for primary sources, such as letters, speeches, or writings by John Adams himself. These can provide direct information about his involvement in the Revolutionary War. You can search for collections of his papers or his correspondence to gain insights into his actions and thoughts during that time.

2. Biographies: Consult biographies or historical accounts specifically focused on John Adams. These books often provide a comprehensive overview of his life, including his role in the Revolutionary War. Look for reputable sources written by historians or experts in the field.

3. Online resources: Utilize reputable websites that provide information on historical figures and events. Websites like the National Archives or history-specific online databases can offer detailed accounts of Adams' contributions during the Revolutionary War. Make sure to check for credibility and cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources.

4. Academic journals and articles: Search for scholarly articles or academic journals that discuss John Adams' involvement in the Revolutionary War. Academic databases like JSTOR or Project MUSE can provide you with scholarly research and critical analysis on this topic. Reading peer-reviewed articles written by historians can offer valuable insights and interpretations of Adams' contributions.

By utilizing these resources, you should be able to find more information about John Adams and his significant contributions to the Revolutionary War.