what was the fredonian rebellion?

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Go to www.google.com and enter "fredonian rebellion" -- and read lots.

The Fredonian Rebellion was an unsuccessful independence movement in Texas in 1826. It was led by Haden Edwards, an empresario (a land agent) who became dissatisfied with the Mexican government's handling of land grants in the region. The rebellion sought to establish the Republic of Fredonia, an independent state in what is now Nacogdoches, Texas.

To find more information about the Fredonian Rebellion, you can do the following:

1. Search the internet: Use search engines like Google to find reliable sources that provide detailed information about the rebellion. Make sure to use keywords such as "Fredonian Rebellion" or "Republic of Fredonia" for better search results.

2. Visit libraries or archives: Local libraries or historical archives might have books, documents, or articles that discuss the Fredonian Rebellion. Look for resources related to Texas history or the Mexican Republic during the early 19th century.

3. Consult academic databases: Online databases such as JSTOR or Academic Search Premier contain scholarly articles and studies on various historical events, including the Fredonian Rebellion. Access to these databases might be available through your school or local library.

4. Check historical books: Look for books focused on Texas history or the Mexican Republic during the early 19th century. You can find these books in libraries, bookstores, or online marketplaces like Amazon.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources for reliability and credibility. Look for information from reputable authors, historians, or academic institutions to ensure the accuracy of the information you gather.