Which of the following is NOT a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states:

1)The increased popularity of local farmer's markets

2)The loss of around 200 hundred Native Australian languages

3)Elections structured around political parties all around the globe

4)Increased literacy

my two local farmer's markets have all sorts of vege not found in stores.

I don't understand

The option that is NOT a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states is:

1) The increased popularity of local farmer's markets.

To determine which option is NOT a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states, let's analyze each option:

1) The increased popularity of local farmer's markets: This option could be a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states. Nation-states often establish regulations and standards for food production and distribution, which can lead to the growth of local farmer's markets as a response to standardized food systems.

2) The loss of around 200 Native Australian languages: This option is likely a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states. As nation-states form, they often impose a dominant language, which can lead to the decline or extinction of indigenous languages.

3) Elections structured around political parties all around the globe: This option is more likely a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states. Political parties are often a product of institutionalized and standardized systems of governance found in nation-states.

4) Increased literacy: This option is NOT a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states. Increased literacy can occur independently of nation-state formation and standardization. It can be influenced by various factors such as access to education, technological advances, and societal changes.

Based on this analysis, option 4) Increased literacy is the one that is NOT a result of standardization caused by the rise of nation-states.