What did the White Knight realize after he had slain the Knight in the gleaming whiteness?

All I get when I search for "white knight" story is a bunch of websites and stuff for some game.

If you are referring to an actual story, please let us in on the title and author, okay?

To understand what the White Knight realized after slaying the Knight in the gleaming whiteness, we need some context. It seems like you're referring to a specific narrative or story, but without further details, it's difficult to determine the exact realization of the White Knight. However, I can offer a general approach to analyzing literary works.

1. Identify the source material: Determine the story, book, movie, or any relevant source that contains the White Knight and the Knight in gleaming whiteness. This will help in finding more information about the characters and their motivations.

2. Research the narrative: Read or watch the source material to gain a comprehensive understanding of the storyline, the characters involved, and the context in which the confrontation takes place.

3. Examine character development: Pay attention to the growth and changes that characters undergo throughout the story. Analyze their motivations, beliefs, and actions leading up to the moment when the White Knight slays the Knight in the gleaming whiteness.

4. Look for textual clues: Review the specific scene in which the White Knight defeats the other character. Analyze the dialogue, descriptions, and actions to identify any hints or revelations that might indicate the realization experienced by the White Knight.

5. Consider the story's themes: Reflect on the broader themes or messages conveyed in the narrative. This will help in interpreting the significance of the White Knight's realization and its potential impact on the overall story.

By following these steps and engaging with the source material, you should be able to unravel the complexity of the characters involved and grasp what the White Knight might have realized after the confrontation.