Type the words in which the / g / sound is spelled with two letters.


Type the related spelling word.


gh: tough, enough, ghost, laugh, through, though

gu: guess, guide, guilt, guitar, guest

To find words in which the /g/ sound is spelled with two letters, you can refer to phonics rules and common spelling patterns.

Here are some examples:

1. gh:
- Though: This word is pronounced with the /g/ sound but spelled with "gh."
- Laugh: The "gh" in this word also represents the /g/ sound.

2. gu:
- Guest: The "gu" in this word is pronounced as /g/.
- Guide: Again, the "gu" in this word represents the /g/ sound.

Remember, these examples demonstrate the most common spellings for the /g/ sound, but there are exceptions and other variations for each sound and spelling in English.