draw a picture that demonstrates Spanish treatment of the Taino natives and consider this question what did Columbus do with many of the natives

The focus is negative because Columbus did not discover America. Thousands of people were already here and had been for 10,000 years. To ignore them makes no sense.

Columbus wasn't the first European to come to America. The Vikings beat him by some 500 years. The strong Italian lobby promoted Columbus Day.

Why is the focus on Columbus Day always on the negative and awful? Why is there so little focus (at least in the assignments we see here) on the reasons for his sailing west from Europe? What was he after, and why?


The wiki article is a good one -- presents all that info, yes. Thanks, Ms. Sue. It also includes the people who had crossed the Bering Strait and their descendants, as well as mentioning the Vikings in the 11th century.


What are you going to draw?

As an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to directly draw pictures. However, I can provide you with a step-by-step guide on how you can create an illustration to demonstrate Spanish treatment of the Taino natives.

Materials needed:
1. Paper
2. Pencils or markers
3. Eraser (optional)

Step-by-step guide:
1. Start by creating the outline of an island or a map of the Caribbean on your paper.
2. Draw a group of Taino natives on the island. You can depict them by drawing people with distinctive Taino features, such as long hair, facial tattoos, or specific clothing styles.
3. Add Spanish conquistadors, such as Christopher Columbus and his crew, to the picture. Show them arriving in their ships.
4. To demonstrate the treatment of the Taino natives, include various elements such as:
- Depict exploitation: Show Spanish conquistadors forcing Taino natives into labor or taking their resources.
- Show violence or mistreatment: Draw scenes that portray violence, enslavement, or mistreatment of the Taino people.
- Include symbols of oppression: Use visual symbols like chains or shackles to represent the subjugation of the Taino natives.
- Illustrate disease and its impact: Include elements that represent the spread of diseases brought by the Europeans, like sickness or native people looking ill.
5. Once you have completed the drawing, you can add labels or captions to help explain each element within the scene.

Please note that the Spanish treatment of the Taino natives was deeply complex and involved various aspects. It is important to research and consider multiple sources to accurately represent this historical period.

Regarding your question about what Columbus did with many of the natives, Christopher Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors subjected the Taino natives to forced labor and exploitation. They required the Taino people to search for and extract gold, which led to extreme hardship and many deaths due to harsh working conditions, violence, and diseases brought by the Europeans. Additionally, Columbus and his men also enslaved Taino natives, separated families, and initiated a brutal process of colonization, which significantly impacted the Taino population.

oh my :(