Can someone help me with this question?!

Use the drop down menu to complete the sentence:
In their trading relationship, Kush relied on Egypt for (Choose: horses, gold, grain, ebony) and Egypt traded for (Choose: gold, grain, cloth, papyrus)

Read very carefully:

To complete the sentence, you will need to select an option from the drop-down menu. The first blank should be filled with an item that Kush relied on Egypt for, and the options given are horses, gold, grain, and ebony. The second blank should be filled with an item that Egypt traded for, and the options given are gold, grain, cloth, and papyrus.

Based on historical knowledge, we know that Kush, an ancient civilization located in the area of modern-day Sudan, had a close trading relationship with Egypt. To determine the correct answers, we can consider the geographical and historical context of the two regions.

Kush was known for its abundance of natural resources, including gold and ebony. On the other hand, Egypt was well-known for its agricultural productivity and surplus grain production. Additionally, Egypt had significant access to the Mediterranean Sea, which allowed it to engage in long-distance trade.

Considering these factors, we can conclude that Kush relied on Egypt for grain, as Egypt possessed fertile land and advanced agricultural techniques. As for the item that Egypt traded for, gold seems to be a likely option due to Kush's abundance of this precious metal.

Therefore, in their trading relationship, Kush relied on Egypt for grain, and Egypt traded for gold.