Which of the following examples best uses a transitional word or phrase to introduce a cause or effect?

A: I missed the bus and I was late to work.
B: I served pie at the party because I do not like cake<<<
C: Joe went to the park to play soccer
D: Mary painted her room her favorite color, Blue.

Okay thanks

I agree with you.

The example that best uses a transitional word or phrase to introduce a cause or effect is B: "I served pie at the party because I do not like cake."

To identify the correct answer, it's helpful to understand what transitional words or phrases are. Transitional words or phrases are used to connect ideas, sentences, or paragraphs and help establish relationships between them. They can indicate cause and effect, transition in time or sequence, contrast, comparison, and more.

In this case, the transitional word "because" is used in option B. "Because" is commonly used to introduce a cause and effect relationship. The sentence structure establishes that the reason for serving pie at the party is the personal dislike of cake. So, option B effectively uses a transitional word to introduce a cause or effect.