A line of best fit can be established with which of the following?

Select all that apply.

positive correlation
all scatter plots
random correlation
no correlation
negative correlation

no, I already got the answer also for your information I asked just to explain the differents

A line of best fit can be established with the following:

- Positive correlation: When there is a positive relationship between two variables, a line of best fit can be established to represent the data.

- All scatter plots: A scatter plot represents the relationship between two variables, and in many cases, a line of best fit can be drawn to represent the general trend of the data.

- Negative correlation: Similar to positive correlation, when there is a negative relationship between two variables, a line of best fit can be established to represent the data.

A line of best fit cannot be established with:

- Random correlation: If there is no clear relationship or pattern between the variables in the scatter plot, it is not possible to establish a meaningful line of best fit.

- No correlation: When there is no relationship between two variables, no line of best fit can be established.

To determine which options can establish a line of best fit, we need to understand the concept of a line of best fit and how it relates to the correlation between variables.

A line of best fit is a straight line that represents the trend or relationship between two variables in a scatter plot. It provides a visual representation of the relationship between the variables and can be used to make predictions or estimations.

In order to establish a line of best fit, there must be some form of correlation between the variables being studied. Correlation refers to the relationship or association between two variables. It can be positive (variables increase together), negative (variables decrease together), or random (no clear relationship).

Based on this information, the options that can establish a line of best fit are:

1. Positive correlation: When there is a positive correlation between two variables, it means that as one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase. In this case, a line of best fit can be established to depict the positive relationship.

2. Negative correlation: When there is a negative correlation between two variables, it means that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to decrease. Similarly, a line of best fit can be established to depict the negative relationship.

3. All scatter plots: A scatter plot is a graph that shows individual data points plotted in relation to two variables. It is a useful tool for visualizing the relationship between variables. Regardless of the type of correlation (positive, negative, or random), a line of best fit can be established for any scatter plot.

On the other hand, the options that cannot establish a line of best fit are:

1. Random correlation: If there is no clear relationship or association between two variables, often referred to as random correlation, it will not be possible to establish a meaningful line of best fit. The data points will be scattered without any observable trend or pattern.

2. No correlation: When there is no correlation between two variables, it means that one variable does not influence or relate to the other variable. In this case, a line of best fit is not applicable.

Therefore, the options that can establish a line of best fit are positive correlation, negative correlation, and all scatter plots.

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