Lesson 5: Add and Subtract Decimals

Math 5 A Unit 3: Add and Subtract Decimals to Hundredths discussion

In Lesson 5, you will learn about adding and subtracting decimals, specifically up to hundredths place. This topic is a fundamental skill in mathematics and will help you in various real-life situations, such as handling money and measuring quantities precisely.

To add and subtract decimals, follow these steps:

Step 1: Align the decimal points
When adding or subtracting decimals, it is crucial to align the decimal points of the numbers you are working with. This makes it easier to perform the operations accurately.

Step 2: Add or subtract the numbers as you would with whole numbers
Once the decimal points are aligned, you can perform addition or subtraction just like with whole numbers. Start from the rightmost place value and proceed to the left.

Step 3: Carry or borrow if necessary
Just like with whole numbers, when adding or subtracting decimals, you may need to carry or borrow to proceed with the computation. Carrying is used when the sum of the digits in a column is greater than 9, while borrowing is used when the top digit is smaller than the bottom digit.

Step 4: Place the decimal point correctly
After performing the addition or subtraction, place the decimal point in the result based on the original numbers. The decimal point in the sum or difference should be directly below the decimal point in the original numbers.

Remember to practice these steps by solving different exercises and problems. You can use a pencil and paper or a calculator to assist you. Make sure to double-check your work and pay attention to any negative signs or extra zeroes.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on a particular concept or problem, feel free to ask!