What was Alexander Hamilton’s main reason for insisting that all the nation’s debts must be paid in full?

A. so the country could borrow in the future
B. so the country would be seen as a world leader***
C. because many citizens needed the money
D. because the nation had a moral obligation to do so

*** = my answer help pls

The correct answer is D. Alexander Hamilton's main reason for insisting that all the nation's debts must be paid in full was because the nation had a moral obligation to do so. Hamilton believed that fulfilling all debts would enhance the country's reputation and ensure trust from creditors, which would make it easier for the government to borrow money in the future.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand Alexander Hamilton's historical context and his beliefs. Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and one of the founding fathers. He played a significant role in shaping the financial system of the nation.

Alexander Hamilton believed that it was crucial for the new republic to pay off its debts in full. His main reason for insisting on paying the nation's debts in full was D. because the nation had a moral obligation to do so.

Hamilton believed that honoring the nation's debts would enhance its reputation and credibility, both domestically and internationally. He recognized that a strong credit rating was essential for the young nation to obtain future loans and attract foreign investments. By paying off debts, Hamilton aimed to establish financial stability, strengthen the federal government, and earn the trust of investors and lenders.

Therefore, the main reason Alexander Hamilton insisted that all the nation's debts must be paid in full was because the nation had a moral obligation to do so, as he believed it would establish financial credibility and foster economic growth.

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