Blocks of stone are cut to a nominal size of 60cm x 30cm x 15cm, where measurements are correct to the nearest centimeter. Find the range of values of the volumes of a block giving your answer in the form V± pV, where V is the nominal volume and p is the percentage.

each dimension is ±0.5cm

so, figure the min/max range and divide the error by the nominal volume

how do you find the error?

But I get 2 different percentages?

To find the range of values of the volumes of a block, we need to consider the maximum and minimum possible values based on the given measurements.

The nominal volume of the block can be calculated by multiplying the three dimensions together:

V = 60cm * 30cm * 15cm

V = 27000 cm³

Now, let's consider the maximum and minimum values for each dimension based on the given precision of measurements.

For the length:

Maximum possible length = 60cm + 0.5cm (half of the precision value)

Minimum possible length = 60cm - 0.5cm

For the width:

Maximum possible width = 30cm + 0.5cm

Minimum possible width = 30cm - 0.5cm

For the height:

Maximum possible height = 15cm + 0.5cm

Minimum possible height = 15cm - 0.5cm

Now, we can calculate the maximum and minimum volume using these maximum and minimum values for each dimension:

Maximum volume = (60cm + 0.5cm) * (30cm + 0.5cm) * (15cm + 0.5cm)

Minimum volume = (60cm - 0.5cm) * (30cm - 0.5cm) * (15cm - 0.5cm)

Calculating these values, we get:

Maximum volume = 61cm * 30.5cm * 15.5cm = 28810.75 cm³

Minimum volume = 59.5cm * 29.5cm * 14.5cm = 24632.75 cm³

Finally, let's express the range of volumes in the form V ± pV, where V is the nominal volume and p is the percentage:

V ± pV = 27000 cm³ ± (28810.75 cm³ - 24632.75 cm³)

V ± pV = 27000 cm³ ± 418.00 cm³

Therefore, the range of values of the volumes of a block is approximately 27000 cm³ ± 418.00 cm³.