An ice cube (25g) is at -8.0c how much is required to melt it completly

Well, that's quite a chilling question! To calculate the amount of heat required to melt an ice cube, we can use the equation Q = m * ΔHf, where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass, and ΔHf is the heat of fusion.

For water, the heat of fusion is approximately 334 J/g.

So, to melt the ice cube completely, we need to calculate the heat energy required. Let's do some math! (Don't worry, I'll keep it cool!)

Q = 25g * 334 J/g
Q = 8350 J

Therefore, it would take 8350 joules of heat energy to fully melt the ice cube. Now, make sure to keep it hot but not too hot, or you might end up with a puddle and some very confused penguins!

To calculate the amount of heat required to completely melt the ice cube, you can use the formula:

Q = m * ΔH_f

Q = heat (in Joules)
m = mass of ice (in grams)
ΔH_f = heat of fusion (specific latent heat) for water (in J/g)

The heat of fusion for water is typically around 334 J/g.

Let's calculate:

m = 25 g
ΔH_f = 334 J/g

Q = 25 g * 334 J/g
Q = 8350 J

Therefore, it would require 8350 Joules of heat to completely melt a 25g ice cube at -8.0°C.

To calculate how much heat energy is needed to melt the ice cube completely, you need to use the specific heat capacity and the enthalpy of fusion of ice.

1. Calculate the heat energy to raise the temperature of the ice from -8.0°C to 0°C:
The specific heat capacity of ice is 2.09 J/g·°C. The equation to calculate the heat energy is:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Q = Heat energy (in joules)
m = Mass of the ice cube (25 g)
c = Specific heat capacity of ice (2.09 J/g·°C)
ΔT = Change in temperature (0°C - (-8.0°C) = 8.0°C)

Q = 25 g * 2.09 J/g·°C * 8.0°C
Q = 418 J

Therefore, it requires 418 joules of heat energy to raise the temperature of the ice from -8.0°C to 0°C.

2. Calculate the heat energy required to melt the ice completely:
The enthalpy of fusion of ice is 333.50 J/g. The equation to calculate the heat energy is:

Q = m * ΔHf

Q = Heat energy (in joules)
m = Mass of the ice cube (25 g)
ΔHf = Enthalpy of fusion of ice (333.50 J/g)

Q = 25 g * 333.50 J/g
Q = 8337.50 J

Therefore, it requires 8337.50 joules of heat energy to melt the ice cube completely.

By adding the two calculated values together, you can determine the total heat energy required to completely melt the ice cube:

Total heat energy = 418 J + 8337.50 J = 8755.50 J

Hence, it requires 8755.50 joules of heat energy to melt the ice cube completely.

q = heat needed = mass ice x specific heat ice x (Tfinal-Tinitial)

Tf is 0
Ti is -8