Cardboard costs $0.002 per square centimeter. How much will Alan spend to build the following figure out of cardboard? Round your answer to the nearest cent.

To calculate the cost for building a figure out of cardboard, we need to know the total area of the figure in square centimeters and then multiply it by the cost per square centimeter.

Without the specific figure mentioned, it is not possible to provide an exact answer. Please provide the figure's dimensions or any other details required to determine its area.

To find out how much Alan will spend to build the figure out of cardboard, we first need to know the total area of the figure. Let's assume we have the dimensions or measurements of the figure.

Once we have the measurements, we can calculate the area of each individual surface and then sum them up to find the total area.

Let's say the figure has four surfaces: A, B, C, and D.

To calculate the area of surface A, we need its length and height. Let's say the length is L_A cm and the height is H_A cm. The formula to find the area of a rectangle is:

Area_A = L_A * H_A

Similarly, we can calculate the areas of surfaces B, C, and D using their respective lengths and heights.

Once we have the areas of all four surfaces, we can sum them up to get the total area (Total_Area) of the figure:

Total_Area = Area_A + Area_B + Area_C + Area_D

Now that we have the total area of the figure, we can multiply it by the cost of cardboard per square centimeter to find the total cost.

Total_Cost = Total_Area * Cost_Per_Square_Centimeter

In this case, the cost of cardboard is $0.002 per square centimeter.

After calculating the total cost, we can round the answer to the nearest cent as requested.

So, to determine how much Alan will spend to build the figure out of cardboard:
1. Measure the dimensions of each surface of the figure (length and height).
2. Calculate the area of each surface using the formula Area = length * height.
3. Sum up the areas of all the surfaces to find the total area of the figure.
4. Multiply the total area by the cost of cardboard per square centimeter ($0.002).
5. Round the result to the nearest cent to find the total cost.

no idea, but cost = 0.002 * area