In Ancient Egypt, which female pharaoh was known for building Egypt's wealth and power through trade?


The female pharaoh known for building Egypt's wealth and power through trade in Ancient Egypt is Queen Hatshepsut. To find this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a general search on the internet using relevant keywords such as "female pharaoh in Ancient Egypt" or "pharaoh known for trade in Ancient Egypt."
2. Look for reliable sources such as educational websites, historical archives, or books written by credible historians.
3. Cross-reference the information from different sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.
4. Look for specific details about the female pharaoh's name, achievements, and role in trade.
5. Narrow down the search results to find the pharaoh who fits the criteria of building Egypt's wealth and power through trade.
6. Finalize the answer by confirming that Queen Hatshepsut is the correct female pharaoh known for her economic accomplishments in Ancient Egypt.