Why is urbanization associated with the industrial revolution?

A. The expansion of family farms refocused the nation on agriculture.
B. The concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities.
C. Settlers expanded the frontier west of the Mississippi river.
D. Immigrants settled in large cities and brought cultural diversity

The correct answer is B. The concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities.

During the industrial revolution, there was a significant shift from rural agrarian societies to urban industrial societies. This happened because of various factors, including the development of new manufacturing technologies and the growth of industries.

One of the key aspects of the industrial revolution was the establishment and growth of factories. These factories required a large number of workers to operate the machinery and produce goods. As a result, many people from rural areas migrated to cities in search of job opportunities in these factories.

The concentration of factories in cities led to a rapid urbanization process. Urban areas experienced population growth as people moved from rural areas to find work. This expansion of urban areas was fueled by the need for labor in industries such as textile manufacturing, mining, and steel production.

The availability of job opportunities in cities was a major attraction for people seeking better economic prospects. This job growth and urbanization had far-reaching impacts on various aspects of society, including the economy, social structure, and living conditions.

So, urbanization was associated with the industrial revolution because the concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities and led to the migration of people from rural areas to urban centers.

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