Consider the following scenario: Your organization uses Outlook 365 as the main communications tool to their employees. Your friend was just hired by the organization and uses email very little, does not check emails, ignores emails, and has email habits considered to be unprofessional.

Share the advice and tips you would give your friend on how to use Outlook 365. Also, how would you explain to them why email is important?

I am having trouble writing this.
I know the following
Microsoft Office 365 provides users with the basic productivity applications necessary to get work done in the modern enterprise. It includes applications like Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, OneNote, and OneDrive, just to name a few.
Outlook 365, you have access to your documents on any device as long as you have Wifi. When writing a email make sure you have the correct email of the person your sending it to, also a subject pertaining to your email. Make sure that you stay on topic. Be sure to greet who ever you are emailing and close out your email with "Thank you. One thing nice about emails you can store your contacts. Creating folders will help you keep your emails organized so you are not looking through a whole lot of emails to find what you are looking for. Setting a reminder on her calendar to check her emails could also be beneficial.

I have no experience with Office 365.

Your suggestion for setting a reminder, however, is the best idea for a person like this. Go with that one.

Here are some tips and advice to help your friend effectively use Outlook 365 and improve their email habits:

1. Importance of Email: Explain to your friend that email is a primary tool for communication in the professional world. It allows for efficient and effective communication with colleagues, clients, and superiors. It is crucial for maintaining relationships, sharing important information, and collaborating on projects.

2. Basic Email Etiquette: Emphasize the importance of following basic email etiquette. This includes using a professional email address, writing clear and concise subject lines, addressing recipients properly, and using proper grammar and spelling. Encourage them to proofread their emails before sending to ensure clarity and professionalism.

3. Regular Email Check: Stress the importance of regularly checking and responding to emails. Ignoring or delaying email responses can create communication gaps and hinder productivity. Suggest setting a reminder on their calendar to check emails multiple times during the workday to stay updated and respond promptly.

4. Organizing Emails: Explain the benefits of creating folders and using filters to organize incoming emails. This helps in keeping the inbox clean and allows for easy access to important emails or information when needed. Encourage your friend to create folders based on projects, clients, or categories that are relevant to their work.

5. Proper Email Addressing: Remind your friend to make sure they have the correct email address of the person they are sending an email to. Using Outlook 365, they can search for recipients' names or email addresses to ensure accuracy. Also, advise them to avoid sending sensitive or confidential information via email unless encrypted.

6. Staying on Topic: Encourage your friend to stay focused and on topic when composing emails. Rambling or including unnecessary information can confuse recipients and make emails less effective. They should clearly state the purpose of the email and only include relevant details to avoid confusing the recipients.

7. Professional Tone: Emphasize the importance of maintaining a professional tone in their emails. Remind them to always use polite and respectful language, avoid using excessive capitalization or exclamation marks, and be mindful of the tone they convey through their writing.

8. Email Security: Educate your friend about the importance of email security. Make sure they understand the risks of responding to suspicious emails or clicking on unknown links. Remind them to be cautious when opening attachments and to report any suspicious emails to the IT department.

By following these tips and advice, your friend can improve their email habits and become more proficient in using Outlook 365 for effective communication within the organization.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help your friend use Outlook 365 effectively and improve their email habits:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Outlook 365:
Explain to your friend that Outlook 365 is a communication tool used by many organizations for email, calendar management, and other productivity tasks. It offers various features to enhance communication and collaboration.

2. Importance of Emails:
Highlight the importance of emails in professional environments. Explain that emails serve as a formal method of communication, allowing for documentation, clarification, and sharing of information, which can be essential for work-related tasks. Emphasize that neglecting or ignoring emails can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and damage to professional relationships.

3. Set Up Email Preferences:
Guide your friend on setting up their email preferences and notifications to ensure they receive timely alerts for incoming emails. This will help them stay informed and respond to emails promptly.

4. Email Etiquette and Professionalism:
Explain the importance of maintaining professionalism in email communication. Advise your friend to consider the following email best practices:

- Use a proper salutation: Start emails with a polite greeting, such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]" or "Hello [Recipient's Name]."
- Clear and concise subject line: Encourage your friend to use subject lines that summarize the content of the email, making it easier for recipients to understand the purpose.
- Stay on topic: Remind your friend to focus their emails on the specific subject and avoid including irrelevant or unnecessary information.
- Use proper grammar and spelling: Encourage them to proofread their emails before sending to ensure clarity and professionalism.
- Consider tone and politeness: Remind your friend to maintain a respectful tone and avoid using inappropriate or offensive language.

5. Organize and Manage Emails:
Explain the importance of organizing and managing emails effectively. Suggest the following tips:

- Create folders: Encourage your friend to create folders to categorize and store emails based on different topics or projects. This will help them quickly locate important emails when needed.
- Use filters and rules: Explain how to set up filters and rules in Outlook 365 to automatically sort emails into specific folders. This can help minimize clutter and increase efficiency.
- Regularly check and respond to emails: Remind your friend to develop a habit of checking their emails regularly, preferably at specific times during the day, to ensure they don't miss any important messages.

6. Calendar and Reminder Integration:
Inform your friend about the calendar feature in Outlook 365. Guide them on setting up reminders to check their emails, respond to urgent messages, or complete tasks related to emails. This will help them stay organized and stay on top of their email commitments.

Remember to offer your friend ongoing support and encouragement as they work on improving their email habits.