What happens if it’s your first time getting a honercode violation in connexus

asking for a friend, right? ...

Why don't you ask Connexus? I am not connected with connexus.

nothing happens you fine as long as you dont get it 5 times a year.

Annonomus have you gotten one before

I don’t know what it puts me as annonomus but is that right have u did it before

If it is your first time getting a honor code violation in Connexus, there can be specific consequences based on your school's policies. However, in order to have a precise understanding of what happens in your particular situation, you should consult your teacher, principal, or school's honor code policy.

To find out the consequences of a honor code violation in Connexus, follow these steps:

1. Start by reviewing your school's honor code policy: Open Connexus and navigate to the section that provides information about the honor code. Typically, this information can be found in the student handbook or under the policies and procedures section.

2. Look for information on violation consequences: Within the honor code policy, there should be clear information on the consequences associated with honor code violations. Read through this section carefully to identify what penalties might apply specifically to you.

3. Consult your teacher or principal: If the policy does not provide clear details or you have further questions, reach out to your teacher or principal. They are the best resources to provide clarification on the specific consequences for a first-time honor code violation in your school.

Remember, it is important to take responsibility for your actions and learn from this experience. Adhering to your school's honor code and understanding the consequences of violating it can help you to make better decisions in the future.