Why is trade necessary?

A. Producers create too much demand for goods.

B resources are not distributed evenly.

C consumers do not supplying enough goods

D resources are abundant everywhere. ●

●= wut I think

Trade is necessary primarily because resources are not distributed evenly (B) and resources are not abundant everywhere (D). Trade allows countries or regions to obtain goods and resources that they do not have or are unable to produce efficiently on their own. It helps to bridge the gap between supply and demand by allowing producers to access larger markets and consumers to have a wider variety of goods to choose from. Through trade, resources can be allocated more efficiently, leading to higher productivity, economic growth, and improved living standards for nations and their citizens.

Trade is necessary because option B, resources are not distributed evenly. Trade allows for the redistribution of resources, goods, and services between regions or countries that have different levels of access to certain resources or production capabilities. By engaging in trade, countries can specialize in producing goods or services that they have a comparative advantage in and exchange them for goods or services that they cannot efficiently produce themselves. This leads to increased efficiency, productivity, and overall economic growth. So, the correct answer is B, resources are not distributed evenly.

I disagree.