why is resilience the will to keep trying an important quality of digitl art

Why is ‘resilience’ (the will to keep trying) an important quality for digital artists?

Resilience, or the will to keep trying, is an important quality in any pursuit, including digital art, for several reasons. To understand why it is significant, we need to explore the nature of digital art and its creative process.

1. Complexity and Learning Curve: Digital art involves working with various tools, software, and techniques. It often requires a fair amount of technical knowledge and skill to create desired effects. The learning curve can be steep, and artists may encounter challenges and setbacks along the way. Resilience helps them persevere through difficulties, learn from their mistakes, and eventually improve their abilities.

2. Iteration and Experimentation: Digital art allows artists to experiment, iterate, and explore different creative possibilities easily. However, not every attempt or experiment will yield the desired outcome. Without resilience, artists might become disheartened by failed attempts or initial artworks that fall short of their vision. By embracing resilience, they can view these setbacks as valuable learning experiences and motivation to keep refining their skills.

3. Feedback and Critique: Feedback plays a crucial role in artistic growth. Artists often seek feedback from peers, mentors, or the audience to gain insights and perspectives on their work. However, not all feedback is positive, and criticism can be disheartening. Resilience enables artists to receive feedback, both positive and negative, with an open mind and a willingness to improve.

4. Patience and Perseverance: Creating digital art often requires a significant investment of time and effort. It can be a meticulous process, requiring attention to detail, patience, and the ability to stick with a project even when progress seems slow or challenging. Resilience helps artists maintain their motivation and continue working towards their vision, despite obstacles or temporary setbacks.

To develop resilience as an artist, here are a few suggested steps:

1. Embrace a growth mindset: View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than failures.

2. Surround yourself with a supportive community: Seek out fellow artists or digital art communities where you can share experiences, gain insights, and receive constructive feedback.

3. Learn from setbacks: Analyze your mistakes or failed attempts to understand what went wrong and how you can improve next time.

4. Set goals and celebrate progress: Break your artistic journey into manageable milestones and celebrate your achievements along the way. This can help you stay motivated and maintain a sense of accomplishment.

Remember, resilience is not just limited to digital art; it is a valuable quality in various aspects of life. Cultivating resilience will not only enhance your digital art skills but also equip you with the determination and perseverance to overcome challenges in other areas.

I found what is resilience but it does not answer my question, but think for the help

The answer is B

Go to www.google.com and enter "define resilience" (without the quotation marks). What do you find?