what is pi + 7.82882 - .52771?

Thank you!

Here's pi -- https://www.google.com/search?q=pi&oq=pi+&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l5.2985j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Add & subtract ...

You're welcome!

To find the result of the expression "pi + 7.82882 - .52771," we need to perform the arithmetic operations step by step.

First, let's substitute the value of "pi" in the expression. The mathematical constant "pi" is approximately 3.14159.

So, the expression becomes:
3.14159 + 7.82882 - 0.52771

Next, we can add the first two terms together:
3.14159 + 7.82882 = 10.97041

Finally, we can subtract the last term:
10.97041 - 0.52771 = 10.4427

Therefore, the result of "pi + 7.82882 - .52771" is approximately 10.4427.