Which of the following are effected by air drag?

1. Automobiles
2 Skyscrapers
3 Parachutes
4. The moon
5 Airplanes
6. Bicycles
7. Trees

All but the moon

Damon is correct, everything except for the moon

Air drag, also known as air resistance or fluid friction, is a force exerted by air molecules on objects moving through the air. It opposes the motion of an object and can affect various things. Let's go through each option one by one.

1. Automobiles: Yes, automobiles are affected by air drag. When a car moves through the air, the air molecules exert a force against the car, causing drag. This drag force acts in the opposite direction of the car's motion and can affect its speed and fuel efficiency.

2. Skyscrapers: Skyscrapers are not significantly affected by air drag. Although wind can exert an external force on tall buildings, it is more accurately described as wind load rather than air drag.

3. Parachutes: Yes, parachutes are greatly influenced by air drag. Parachutes rely on air drag to slow down the descent of a person or object in freefall. The shape and design of the parachute maximize air drag, allowing for a controlled descent.

4. The moon: The moon does not experience air drag because there is no atmosphere on the moon. Air drag requires the presence of air molecules, which are absent in the moon's environment.

5. Airplanes: Yes, airplanes are significantly affected by air drag. As planes move through the air, air drag is exerted on the aircraft. Pilots must consider air drag in their calculations for takeoff, landing, and overall flight performance.

6. Bicycles: Yes, bicycles experience air drag. When cyclists ride, their bodies and the bicycle encounter resistance from the air. Reducing air drag is a major consideration in designing aerodynamic bicycles and clothing for competitive cyclists.

7. Trees: Trees are not directly affected by air drag. Although wind can exert a force on trees due to their large surface area, this force is more accurately described as wind load rather than air drag.

In summary, the objects that are affected by air drag from the given list are: automobiles, parachutes, airplanes, and bicycles.