Simplify using order of operations. Show all of your work and do ONE operation at a time to receive all possible points. 16/4x2=? I haven't done Order of OPs in awhile so I might be wrong ;-; My answer was 8.


(Your answer is correct)

To review, a common acronym for the order of operation is

B - do brackets first
E - exponents are next
DM - division and multiplication are done in the order they come, from left to right, in your case 16/4*2 = 4*2 = 8
AS - addition and subtraction are done in the order they come, from left to right

Oh thank you, I got my notes out and got the answer right! Sorry for the trouble :(

Lol and Joe mama are wrong the answer is 8

what are the answers!!!!!

To clear up the confusion-

It's PEMDAS and BEDMAS combined, in reality. You do parentheses first, then brackets([), and finally braces ({). Then you do the exponents. The "D" and "M" are together, it's just read from left to right (If division comes first, great. If it's multiplication, great. Just don't skip one or the other.) Same with the "A" and "S." As . . . said, you divide 16 by 4 first. Then do multiplication. It's pretty easy once you get it. Just take notes and hang in there until then! And Lol is wrong. It's NOT 2.

I did it again and got 2 XD I'm so confused ._.

The answer is 2. So first you do multiplication which is 4x2 and that equals 8 then you divide. 16/8 equals 2. So 2 is your answer

it is PEMDAS not BEDMAS .

are you sure


Its not that hard
Think of it like this
P - Parentheses
E - Exponents
MD - Multiplication and Division - If on the same, level read left to right.
AS - Addition and Subtraction - If on the same, level read left to right.
So 16/4 would be first, since its first on the left. So 4.
Then 4 x 2 since multiplication is next, cause we read it left from right.
So 8.
Not that hard guys.

Of course, that's if you don't have anything else in the problem.


B Brackets
P parentheses
E exponents
M D multiplication and division
AS addition and subtraction


................ what an argument they had...

so. ik this post is old but how are you guys dividing 16 from 4?? it already equals eight... i know this is just me but im vvv confused

Please have patience and wait for a math tutor to come online.

BEDMAS and PEMDAS are both things, kid, learn before you speak.