An image representing the concept of order of operations in mathematics. The image should feature a series of mathematical symbols: parentheses, an exponent, multiplication and division symbols, and addition and subtraction symbols, positioned in such a way that it conveys the sequence in which these operations are performed. The image should be lively and inviting to engage the viewer's interest, but it should contain no text whatsoever.

in the order of operations, what operation is completed first ?


2. In the Output cell
3.By providing multiple answers to the same equation using different variables
4.B *

This might help is 100% correct for Function Tables quick check!! Thank you!

D -You may want to use the acronym PEMDAS to help you remember the order of operations. Each letter stands for each mathematical operation.

P = parentheses

thank you so much This might help i was able to review over my answers!

i need help


2. In the Output cell
3.By providing multiple answers to the same equation using different variables
4.B *read my name
