The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was a revolution because people changed(blank) The majority of people started (blank)

answers for blank 1. answers for blank 2.
a.there religion a.farming
b.the way they lived
c.there trading goods c.hunting
d.the use of fire d.gathering

here are the answers in correct form

answers for blank 1.
a.there religion
b.the way they lived
c.there trading goods
d.the use of fire

answers for blank 2.

thank you sooo much write teacher you're a life saver

You're very welcome!

The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was a revolution because people changed the way they lived. The majority of people started farming.

To understand why it was considered a revolution, we need to know what the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was. It was a significant transition in human history when people moved from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of settled farming and agriculture.

To answer the first blank, we need to identify what aspect of their lives changed during this revolution. Option b, "the way they lived," best describes the overall transformation experienced by people during this time. They transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a more settled existence, establishing permanent settlements and relying on agriculture for their sustenance.

Now, for the second blank, we need to determine what activity became the primary means of subsistence for the majority of people during this revolution. Option a, "farming," is the correct answer. Agriculture, including cultivating crops and domesticating animals, became the main method of obtaining food and resources for these early human societies.

Hence, during the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, people changed the way they lived, transitioning from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities, with the majority of people adopting farming as their primary occupation.