What are some ways that equality can exist in a society where people do not have equal talents and abilities?

If you won't use Google to find good definitions of these terms and good examples of each, then you'll probably get an F on this assignment. =(

1. Look them up. Take notes.
2. Write up a definition and at least one example for each.
3. Post what you come up with here, if you want a tutor to critique your writing and thinking.

Have you heard of the phrases "equal under the law" and "equal opportunity"?

Try defining them and giving examples.

What would answering those questions do?

They will answer your question!


Achieving equality in a society where people have unequal talents and abilities can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are a few ways in which equality can still be promoted:

1. Emphasize equal opportunities: Ensure that everyone, regardless of their talents or abilities, has access to the same opportunities. This can be done through providing quality education, healthcare, and social support systems to bridge the gaps and give everyone a fair chance to succeed.

2. Redistribute resources: Implement policies that aim to redistribute resources more equitably. For instance, progressive taxation can help create a more even distribution of wealth and provide social welfare programs to uplift the disadvantaged.

3. Promote diversity and inclusivity: Embrace diversity and foster an inclusive society where people with different talents and abilities are valued and respected. Encouraging diverse perspectives and providing equal representation can help dismantle stereotypes and biases, ultimately leading to greater equality.

4. Focus on personal development: Emphasize personal growth and development rather than comparing people solely based on their talents or abilities. By providing opportunities for individuals to enhance skills and cultivate their talents, society can help individuals reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully.

5. Address systemic barriers and discrimination: Identify and rectify systemic barriers that prevent equal opportunities for individuals with differing talents and abilities. This might involve challenging discriminatory practices, advocating for inclusive policies, and implementing measures to ensure fair treatment in all aspects of life.

It's important to note that absolute equality may not be attainable or even desirable, as differences in talents and abilities contribute to the richness of society. However, striving for a more equitable society is essential to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to live a fulfilling and dignified life.