How did rivers affect the locations of early settlements in Georgia?

A. People often settled near shoals where it was easier to cross the river.
B. People typically settled away from rivers and other bodies of water.
C. People typically settled near rivers where the rapids were high.
D. People usually settled in areas where the riverbeds were even and shallow.



The answers are:


which on is correct?

Ruff is correct 100%

It's c

Ruff in 100% correct i just took the quick check!

I thibk its B

I disagree. Rivers were a main way to transport people and things. This was before roads, remember!

thank you @Babychaeyoung you have helped me with my dream

babychaeyoung is correct!! thank you !!

Whats the answer

what's the right answer everyone is saying something different

RUFF is still right

Ruff is 100% corect

And you think ... ?

(Check your text to be sure.)

Ruff is WRONG it is

A c

For GACA 20-21 GA History Unit 1 Lesson 6: Georgia's Rivers

1. C.
2. C.
3. A., C.

Copied these answers off of graded test.