Whats the product in 47x39?

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47*39 =

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To find the product of 47x39, you simply multiply the two numbers together.

Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the two numbers, 47 and 39, one below the other.

x 39

Step 2: Multiply 9 (the ones digit of the bottom number) by both digits of the top number.

x 39
141 (9 * 7)
141 (9 * 4)

Step 3: Multiply 30 (the tens digit of the bottom number) by both digits of the top number, and then shift the results to the left by one place (since it is in the tens position).

x 39
141 (9 * 7)
141 (9 * 4)
1,830 (30 * 7, shifted by one place to the left)
940 (30 * 4, shifted by one place to the left)

Step 4: Add up the partial products.

x 39
141 (9 * 7)
141 (9 * 4)
1,830 (30 * 7, shifted by one place to the left)
940 (30 * 4, shifted by one place to the left)

Therefore, the product of 47x39 is 1,833.

You're welcome.