What did Eastern and Western societies have in common during the Age of Discovery?

They both have a storied and colorful history of the dramatic arts.
They both practiced democratic forms of government.
They were both actively exploring Greenland and Iceland.
They both had majority Muslim populations as a result of trade.

My answer is d

The correct answer is A

I'm sorry, but none of the options you provided are correct. Eastern and Western societies did not have a majority Muslim population as a result of trade during the Age of Discovery. Let's discuss what they actually had in common during that time.

During the Age of Discovery, which occurred from the 15th to the 17th centuries, there were some similarities between Eastern and Western societies. These include:

1. Exploration and Trade: Both Eastern and Western societies were engaged in the exploration of new territories and the expansion of trade routes. European explorers like Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama were expanding Western influence, while the Ming dynasty in China undertook maritime expeditions led by Admiral Zheng He.

2. Technological Advancements: Both Eastern and Western societies were innovating and developing new technologies during this period. The printing press, for example, was invented in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg, while Chinese inventors like Bi Sheng were pioneering techniques for movable type printing.

3. Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge: Exploration and trade led to the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultures between Eastern and Western societies. This gave rise to an increased understanding of different cultures, as well as the introduction of new products, foods, and ideas.

4. Desire for Wealth and Power: Both Eastern and Western societies were driven by a desire for wealth and power during the Age of Discovery. European powers were looking for new trade routes to access valuable resources, while Eastern empires, such as the Ottoman Empire and Ming Dynasty, sought to increase their influence and control over lucrative trade networks.

While Eastern and Western societies had some commonalities during the Age of Discovery, it's important to note that they were also characterized by distinct cultural, political, and socioeconomic differences.

Your reading assignment should clarify these things for you:

~ What centuries are considered the "Age of Discovery"?
~ Which countries or cultures were considered "Western" during that time?
~ Which countries or cultures were considered "Eastern" during that time?

Once you are clear on those things, you should be able to make a decision.

Is that what your assigned reading says?