which of the following points are more than 5 vertical units away from the point (0, -2)? choose all that apply.


thanks in advance

(0,4) is 4 greater than -2 by at least 5?

To determine which of the given points are more than 5 vertical units away from the point (0, -2), we need to calculate the vertical distance (also known as the y-coordinate difference) between each point and the given point.

Let's go through each option:

1. (6,-2):
The vertical distance between (6, -2) and (0, -2) is 0 units since the y-coordinates are the same. Therefore, this point is NOT more than 5 vertical units away.

2. (-8,-2):
The vertical distance between (-8, -2) and (0, -2) is 0 units since the y-coordinates are the same. Therefore, this point is NOT more than 5 vertical units away.

3. (0,-8):
The vertical distance between (0, -8) and (0, -2) is 6 units (|-8 - (-2)| = 6 units). Therefore, this point is more than 5 vertical units away.

4. (0,4):
The vertical distance between (0, 4) and (0, -2) is 6 units (|4 - (-2)| = 6 units). Therefore, this point is more than 5 vertical units away.

Therefore, the points (0, -8) and (0, 4) are the ones that are more than 5 vertical units away from the point (0, -2).

Hope this helps!