Identify the speaker's feelings in the poem below: “Oranges” by Gary Soto : The first time I walked With a girl, I was twelve, Cold, and weighted down With two oranges in my jacket. December. Frost cracking *

1 point
Which line from the poem above best supports you answer about the speaker's feeling? *
1 point
The first time I walked, with a girl, I was twelve
Cold and weighted down
December. Frost cracking
What is the purpose of a conjunction? *
1 point
to modify adjectives
to express feelings
to join sentence parts
to express an action
Which word is a conjunction in the following sentence? The lady slowly but carefully opened the locket of her new necklace. *
1 point
What is the function of a coordinating conjunction? *
1 point
connects ideas by making one dependent on the other
connects similar kinds or groups of words
Which word is a coordinating conjunction in the following sentence? He loves solitude, so he spends time in the forest. *
1 point
The purpose of a subordinating conjunction is to connect ideas by making one dependent on the other. *
1 point
Which word is an example of a subordinating conjunction in the following sentence? The sky was clearing when he arrived at the old pond. *
1 point
An interjection is a word or group of words that expresses sudden excitement or strong feeling. *
1 point
A strong interjection is separated from the sentence it follows. *
1 point
A mild interjection is connected to the sentence it follows. *
1 point
Which sentence uses the word skimmed incorrectly? *
1 point
The bird skimmed the top of the lake.
I skimmed through the book before taking the test.
She fell off her bike and skimmed her elbow.
Which sentence uses the word fellow incorrectly? *
1 point
My mother says it is not proper for a girl to call a fellow on the phone.
He was a big fellow with broad shoulders
All of the above
None of the above
Which word is not a synonym for the word fellow? *
1 point
Which word is not a synonym for the word skimmed? *
1 point
Asphalt is used to surface roads and driveways. *
1 point
Paraphrasing is a great way to explain what a poem means in my own words. *
1 point
Which sentence contains an interjection? *
1 point
Stop! Students are not allowed in the lounge area.
Both students and teachers are allowed here.
Casey, would you please come here?
How can we best help you?
Which sentence contains a mild interjection? *
1 point
Students, you may leave when the bell rings.
Hey, a few bumps and bruises can be expected.
Mom! I passed my test!

No one will take this test for you.

If you choose 4-5 of the most difficult questions, number and letter them for identification, AND indicate what YOU THINK each answer is, someone here might check your work.

Yeah I know @Writeacher I forgot to add them on the question. I will find them then write them as a answer.

The speaker's feelings in the poem "Oranges" by Gary Soto are excited and nervous.

The line that best supports this answer about the speaker's feelings is "The first time I walked, with a girl, I was twelve."

In the poem "Oranges" by Gary Soto, the speaker's feelings can be identified as both excited and nervous. This is evident in the line: "The first time I walked, with a girl, I was twelve." This indicates a sense of excitement and anticipation.

A conjunction is a word that is used to join sentence parts or connect ideas. It does not modify adjectives or express feelings.

In the sentence "The lady slowly but carefully opened the locket of her new necklace," the word "but" is a conjunction. It is used to connect the adverbs "slowly" and "carefully" to show the contrasting actions of the lady.

The function of a coordinating conjunction is to connect similar kinds or groups of words. It does not connect ideas by making one dependent on the other.

In the sentence "He loves solitude, so he spends time in the forest," the word "so" is a coordinating conjunction. It is used to connect the two independent clauses "He loves solitude" and "he spends time in the forest."

The statement "The purpose of a subordinating conjunction is to connect ideas by making one dependent on the other" is true.

In the sentence "The sky was clearing when he arrived at the old pond," the word "when" is a subordinating conjunction. It is used to connect the dependent clause "when he arrived at the old pond" to the main clause "The sky was clearing."

An interjection is a word or group of words that expresses sudden excitement or strong feeling. This statement is true.

A strong interjection is separated from the sentence it follows. This statement is false.

A mild interjection is connected to the sentence it follows. This statement is true.

The sentence "She fell off her bike and skimmed her elbow" uses the word "skimmed" incorrectly.

The sentence "My mother says it is not proper for a girl to call a fellow on the phone" uses the word "fellow" incorrectly.

The word "child" is not a synonym for the word "fellow."

The word "plunged" is not a synonym for the word "skimmed."

The statement "Asphalt is used to surface roads and driveways" is true.

Paraphrasing is a great way to explain what a poem means in my own words. This statement is true.

The sentence "Casey, would you please come here?" contains an interjection.

The sentence "Hey, a few bumps and bruises can be expected" contains a mild interjection.