find the area of a circle with diameter 50cm (take pie as 22/7)

that's pi, not pie!

Recall that the area of a circle of diameter d is 1/4 πd^2
so plug in your numbers.

To find the area of a circle, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r is the radius of the circle.

In this case, you are given the diameter (50 cm). To find the radius, you divide the diameter by 2: r = 50 cm / 2 = 25 cm.

Now, plug in the value of the radius into the formula: A = π(25 cm)^2.

Since you are given the approximation of π as 22/7, substitute it into the formula: A = (22/7)(25 cm)^2.

Simplifying the equation, A = (22/7)(625 cm^2).

Now, multiply the numerator by the value inside the parentheses: A = (22 * 625) / 7 cm^2.

Finally, compute the area: A = 13750 / 7 cm^2.

The exact value of the area of the circle is approximately 1964.29 cm^2.