Which of the following word pairs best shows the differences between Miss Whitlaw's house and the room Moon shadow shares with his father?

poor vs rich**
Disorderly vs. calm
Plentiful vs. sparse
Homey vs businesslike
Please help me as this is soo confusing!

To determine which of the word pairs best shows the differences between Miss Whitlaw's house and the room Moon shadow shares with his father, you need to analyze the description of Miss Whitlaw's house and the room Moon shadow shares with his father. By considering the contrasting elements in these descriptions, you can determine which pair of words best describes the differences.

Let's break it down:

1. Poor vs. Rich: This pair of words suggests a difference in wealth or material possessions. If Miss Whitlaw's house is described as lavish or luxurious, while the room Moon shadow shares with his father is depicted as humble or lacking in material comforts, then "poor vs. rich" would be an appropriate choice.

2. Disorderly vs. Calm: This pair of words denotes a distinction between chaos and organization. If Miss Whitlaw's house is described as clean and orderly, while the room Moon shadow shares with his father is depicted as messy or untidy, then "disorderly vs. calm" would be the more suitable option.

3. Plentiful vs. Sparse: This pairing focuses on the amount or availability of something. If there is an abundance of objects or resources in Miss Whitlaw's house, whereas the room Moon shadow shares with his father is described as lacking in material possessions, then "plentiful vs. sparse" would be the appropriate choice.

4. Homey vs. Businesslike: This pair compares the feeling or atmosphere of the two locations. If Miss Whitlaw's house is described as warm, cozy, and inviting, but the room Moon shadow shares with his father has a more formal or impersonal ambiance, then "homey vs. businesslike" would be the better option.

To determine which pair of words best describes the differences between Miss Whitlaw's house and the room Moon shadow shares with his father, you would need to refer to the description in the context of the story. Please refer to the information provided in the text or extract to identify the best word pair.

What story is this from? Our tutors need to have read that story.

The story/book is Dragonwings, but I don't know of any of our tutors who have read this.