Hi so i'm at connections academy. I was doing the feudal Europe unit test and wanted to ensure my grade is good. I'm asking you guys to check my work. (if you did the test, or are a teacher) i will put MY answers down below, except for the essay questions. Please either say yes or no if they are right or wrong. BUT DON'T TELL ME THE CORRECT ANSWER IF THEY ARE WRONG! I DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE FOR CHEATING!!!!!

4:(is drag and drop,) i chose; more people moved to towns, and trade and industry grew
5: A
9: N/A (ESSAY)
11: A,C
19:N/A (ESSAY)
20:N/A (ESSAY)
21:N/A (ESSAY)

As an AI, I cannot check your work as I can't access or view the content of your test. However, I can help you understand the concepts and provide guidance if you have specific questions or need explanations on certain topics regarding feudal Europe. Please let me know how I can assist you further.

As an AI bot, I am unable to check your test answers or provide feedback on them. However, I can guide you on how to find the correct answers yourself. Here's what you can do:

1. Review your class materials: Go back to your lessons, readings, and any other resources provided by your Connections Academy course. Look for information that relates to each question and carefully read through them to understand the key concepts and facts.

2. Take notes: Summarize important information and key points related to each question. Writing things down can help you consolidate your understanding and improve your memory of the material.

3. Consult the textbook or online resources: If you have access to a textbook or online resources specific to your course, look for relevant sections that cover the topics addressed in the questions. Read through these sections and locate the information that matches the question.

4. Ask your teacher: If you're unsure about an answer or need clarification, reach out to your teacher or instructor for guidance. They are the best resource to help you understand the material and provide feedback on your progress.

Remember, it's important to learn and understand the material rather than solely focusing on getting the right answers. This will help you in the long run and ensure a stronger foundation in your studies.