1. Put your phone on vibrate.

2. Put your phone on vibration mode.
3. Turn your phone on vibrate.
4. Turn your phone in vibration mode.
Which expressions are grammatical? Do you have some more useful expressions?

Thank you.

I use these:

Put your phone on vibrate.
Turn your phone's sound off.
Rotate your phone to landscape so you can see photos better.
Update your phone when you're notified -- mostly for security updates.

You're welcome!

All of the listed expressions are grammatically correct and can be used interchangeably to convey the same meaning. They all refer to the action of setting your phone to vibrate mode.

Here are some more useful expressions related to phone settings:

1. Put your phone on silent mode.
2. Activate silent mode on your phone.
3. Mute your phone.
4. Switch your phone to silent.
5. Set your phone to silent.

All of these expressions refer to the action of muting or silencing your phone so that it does not make any sounds, including ringtone or notification sounds.