Is the earth flat or round?

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The Earth is round, not flat. The idea that the Earth is flat has been disproven by scientific evidence and centuries of observations. To understand why the Earth is round, you can consider a few pieces of evidence:

1. Observations: Over centuries, astronomers and explorers have made observations that suggest the Earth is round. For instance, when ships sail over the horizon, they disappear bottom-first, indicating the curvature of the Earth. Similarly, during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth on the Moon appears round.

2. Gravity: The force of gravity pulls objects towards the center of mass. Due to the Earth's gravity, its shape naturally settles into a round shape, which is the most stable and efficient form. If the Earth was flat, gravity would cause significant distortions.

3. Satellite Images: Satellite images of Earth obtained from space clearly show a spherical shape. Numerous satellites and space missions have captured these images, leaving no doubt about the Earth's roundness.

To explore these pieces of evidence further, you can conduct scientific research, read books and articles on astronomy and geology, and examine images from space missions. It's essential to critically evaluate information from credible sources to understand the scientific consensus that the Earth is round.