which of the following best describes the overall affect of the renaissance on european attitudes toward art and learning.

A.catholic leaders embraced humanism
B.artists began to paint in a more stylized manner
C.classical humanism and realistic paintings became popular
D.europe entered a dark age that emphasized warfare over learning

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Based on the given options, the answer that best describes the overall effect of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning is C. Classical humanism and realistic paintings became popular.

During the Renaissance, there was a revival of interest in classical humanism, which emphasized the importance of human potential and achievements. This led to a renewed focus on learning, literature, philosophy, and the arts. Artists of this time, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, embraced the realistic representation of human figures and nature in their artwork.

To learn more about the impact of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning, you can refer to this link: https://www.britannica.com/event/Renaissance

The overall effect of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning can be best described by option C: classical humanism and realistic paintings became popular.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine the other options as well:

A. Catholic leaders embraced humanism: While the Renaissance did witness an increased interest in the study of humanism, which focuses on human potential and achievements, it is important to note that this was not universally embraced by Catholic leaders. Humanism was regarded with suspicion by some religious figures due to its emphasis on secular knowledge, questioning traditional religious doctrines.

B. Artists began to paint in a more stylized manner: This option is not an accurate reflection of the changes that occurred during the Renaissance. Instead of becoming more stylized, artists during this period began to focus on achieving greater realism and depicting the human form more accurately.

D. Europe entered a dark age that emphasized warfare over learning: This option is incorrect. The Renaissance was a period of significant cultural and intellectual growth, characterized by a renewed focus on learning, art, and scientific pursuits. It marked a transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern era, emphasizing a revival of classical influences and a shift toward human-centered perspectives.

To find more information on the impact of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning, you can explore reputable historical sources such as books, articles, or academic websites. The Renaissance section of Encyclopaedia Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/event/Renaissance) or the online resource of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/renr/hd_renr.htm) may provide detailed insights into this topic.