what was the name of 1st monkey born on genetic technology?

You could have had this answer over 30 minutes ago if you had used Google.



To find the answer to your question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Type in the search query: "name of first monkey born on genetic technology."
4. Press Enter or click on the search button.
5. Look through the search results for articles or news sources that provide information on the first monkey born through genetic technology.
6. Once you find a reliable source, click on the link to open the article.
7. Read through the article to find the name of the first monkey born on genetic technology.

Keep in mind that the answer may vary depending on the most recent scientific developments, so it's always a good idea to check for the latest information.