This question is based on a project- Describe three concentric circles having a 1-inch, a 3-inch, and a 4-inch radius. Draw the diameter of the large circle.(This is also the diameter of the two smaller circles)

Please I Need So Much Help. This Project Is Do Tommorrow and I can't fail.

Draw three circles, with 1, 3 and 4 inch radius, that all have the same center. It should look like a bulls-eye pattern. Then draw a horizontal line through the center that goes all the way across the largest circle.

If you are supposed to actually draw the figure, it will help to have a compass that lets you draw circles with a pencil. Put the sharp point of the compass where the center of the circles is supposed to be.

how to math i need want

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your project! To accurately describe and draw three concentric circles with radii of 1 inch, 3 inches, and 4 inches, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a blank piece of paper or a drawing software of your choice.

2. Find a point on the paper or screen to be the center of your circles. Mark this point with a dot.

3. Using a ruler or any straight edge, draw a straight line passing through the center point. This line will be the diameter of all three circles.

4. To draw the largest circle with a radius of 4 inches, measure 4 inches from the center dot along the diameter you just drew. Mark this point on the line.

5. Place the point of your compass (or any circular drawing tool) on the center dot and the pencil end on the marked point representing the 4-inch radius. Adjust the compass to be open enough so that the pencil end reaches the marked point. Then, draw the circle by keeping the compass steady and rotating it around the center point.

6. To draw the middle circle with a radius of 3 inches, repeat steps 4 and 5, but this time, measure 3 inches along the diameter and draw the circle.

7. Finally, draw the smallest circle with a radius of 1 inch using the same process as steps 4 and 5, measuring 1 inch along the diameter.

By following these steps, you should be able to accurately draw three concentric circles with radii of 1 inch, 3 inches, and 4 inches, and have the diameter of the largest circle. Good luck with your project!