Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows a rectangular prism with length 1 and one-third inches, width 1 inch, and height two-thirds inch. The edges that are not visible are represented by dashed lines.

How many 13-inch cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism?

7 cubes

24 cubes

24 cubic inches

24/27 cubic inches

The volume of the right rectangular prism can be found by multiplying length, width, and height:

1 and 1/3 inches x 1 inch x 2/3 inch = 4/9 cubic inches

To find out how many 13-inch cubes would fit inside, we need to divide the volume of the prism by the volume of one cube:

(4/9 cubic inches) / (13 inches x 13 inches x 13 inches) = 24 cubes

Therefore, 24 cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism. Answer: 24 cubes.

correction: An illustration shows a rectangular prism with length 1 and one-third inches, width 1 inch, and height two-thirds inch. The edges that are not visible are represented by dashed lines.

How many 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism?

7 cubes

24 cubes

24 cubic inches

24/27 cubic inches

To find the answer, we need to calculate the volume of the rectangular prism:

Volume = length x width x height

Volume = (1 and 1/3) inches x 1 inch x (2/3) inch

Volume = (4/3) inches x (2/3) inch

Volume = 8/9 cubic inches

To find how many 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the prism, we need to divide the volume of the prism by the volume of one cube:

8/9 cubic inches รท (1/3) cubic inches = 8/3

Therefore, 8/3 or 2 and 2/3 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism. Answer: None of the given options (2 and 2/3 1/3-inch cubes).


I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. To determine how many 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the rectangular prism, we need to find the volume of the prism and then divide it by the volume of one cube.

The volume of the rectangular prism is:

Volume = length x width x height

Volume = (1 and 1/3) inches x 1 inch x (2/3) inch

Volume = (4/3) inches x (2/3) inch

Volume = 8/9 cubic inches

The volume of 1 cube is:

Volume = (1/3) inch x (1/3) inch x (1/3) inch

Volume = 1/27 cubic inches

To find how many cubes can fit inside, we divide the volume of the prism by that of one cube:

(8/9 cubic inches) รท (1/27 cubic inches) = 24 cubes

Therefore, 24 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism. The correct answer is 24 cubes.

i hope that's right

Yes, I apologize for the confusion earlier. The correct answer to the question "How many 1/3-inch cubes would fit inside the right rectangular prism with length 1 and one-third inches, width 1 inch, and height two-thirds inch?" is 24 cubes.


If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help.

What is the volume of the right rectangular prism packed with 8 cubes? Each cube has an edge length of 1/5 centimeter.

8/5 cubic cm

1/125 cubic cm

8/125 cubic cm

8 cube