One strategy for writing an effective conclusion to an essay is to

A. remind readers of the relevance of the topic.
B. Introduce the conclusion with a signaling phrase, such as "In conclusion," or "To sum things up."
C. introduce new supporting evidence that wasn't included in the body.
D. directly restate your thesis

My answer is B, is this right?

Let us know if you change your mind.

The strategy for writing an effective conclusion to an essay is to remind readers of the relevance of the topic and to directly restate your thesis. Option A, reminding readers of the relevance of the topic, is indeed one way to effectively conclude an essay. It helps to bring the focus back to the main point and emphasizes its importance. Option D, directly restating your thesis, is also crucial in a conclusion. This allows you to reinforce the main argument or claim you made in your essay and remind readers of your position. However, Option B, introducing the conclusion with a signaling phrase, such as "In conclusion," or "To sum things up," is not necessarily required for an effective conclusion, although it can be used as a transitional phrase. Option C, introducing new supporting evidence that wasn't included in the body, is not recommended in the conclusion as it may confuse readers and disrupt the flow of your essay. Thus, your answer of B is partially correct, but it would be more accurate to say that both A and D are key strategies for writing an effective conclusion to an essay.