Create a detailed and visually engaging semi-abstract map of Australia and New Zealand. The map should distinguish between key geographical features such as coastlines, mountain ranges, and interior deserts. Include representation of urban areas to hint at population density. Also, embed cultural elements to depict the indigenous culture, European influences, and the diversity of Pacific islands. However, for larger Pacific islands demonstrate increased ethnic diversity with subtle artistic symbols and for smaller islands show a larger proportion of indigenous culture through visible traditional forms of art, dance, and music. Ensure that there is no text in the image.

Where do most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from?

Most people living in Australia descend from Germany, while most people living in New Zealand descend from France.

Most people living in Australia descend from Spain, while most people living in New Zealand descend from Ireland.

Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britan and Ireland.

Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Spain and France.
How are the cultures of the larger Pacific islands different from those of the smaller islands?

They tend to be more ethnically diverse.

Their populations consist mostly of indigenous people.

They still practice traditional forms of art, dance, and music.

A smaller proportion of people are of European descent.
Which statement best explains Australia’s population density?

Much of the interior is dry and unsuitable for farming.

The continent has a predominantly urban population.

Mountain ranges limit coastal populations.

The number of Aboriginal people has steadily declined.



help is here is correct

100% correct help is here is correct for connections academy students

100% C A A

CAA for connexus

1. C or Britain & Ireland

2. A or they tend to be more ethnicity diverse
3. A or Extremely dry interior
100% for Connexus


Thank yall

Connexus give to much everyday. I have to work on the weekends sometimes!!!!😑😑😑

OMG XD these people toxic!