Maths lit, geography, business and economics

What can I become with those subjects..... Or what careers can I do

Anything you desired to do.

With the subjects of Maths Literacy, Geography, Business, and Economics, there are a variety of career paths you can consider. Here are a few options:

1. Financial Analyst: With your background in Business and Economics, you could pursue a career as a financial analyst. Financial analysts assess the financial performance of companies and provide recommendations on investment opportunities.

2. Urban Planner: Your knowledge of Geography can be beneficial for a career in urban planning. Urban planners analyze and develop plans for the use of land, transportation systems, and infrastructure within cities and regions.

3. Market Research Analyst: With a background in Business and Economics, you could consider a career as a market research analyst. Market research analysts collect and analyze data to help companies understand consumer preferences, market trends, and develop effective marketing strategies.

4. Logistics Manager: Your understanding of Business and Economics can be useful in a career as a logistics manager. Logistics managers oversee the movement, storage, and distribution of goods and resources for businesses, ensuring efficient supply chain management.

5. Environmental Economist: Combining your knowledge of Geography and Economics, you could pursue a career as an environmental economist. Environmental economists analyze the economic impacts of environmental policies and assess the cost and benefits of environmental conservation efforts.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and the possibilities are not limited to these careers alone. Research and explore each career option further to determine which aligns best with your interests, skills, and career goals.