Write a Pascal program where the user is able to pick two items, receive the price and receive total price. Using constants.

they're still teaching Pascal? That's as obsolete as Algol or PL/I !!

If you can do the most basic I/O and calculations, this should be no problem.

Not sure which constants you would use here. User input only is needed.
I guess you could generalize it to allow input of an arbitrary (constant) number of items...

To write a Pascal program that allows the user to select two items, receive their prices, and calculate the total price using constants, you need to follow the steps below:

1. Declare two constants to represent the prices of the items. These constants will not change throughout the program, hence the use of "constant" keyword. For example, let's assume the prices are $10 and $15, respectively:

Item1Price = 10;
Item2Price = 15;

2. Declare variables to store the user's selected items and the calculated total price. These variables will be assigned values later based on user input. For example:

selectedItem1, selectedItem2: Integer;
totalPrice: Integer;

3. Prompt the user to input their choices for both items and store the values in the respective variables. For example:

WriteLn('Item 1 - $', Item1Price);
WriteLn('Item 2 - $', Item2Price);

Write('Select item 1: ');

Write('Select item 2: ');

4. Calculate the total price by adding the prices of the selected items. For example:

totalPrice := (selectedItem1 * Item1Price) + (selectedItem2 * Item2Price);

5. Display the total price to the user. For example:

WriteLn('Total Price: $', totalPrice);

Putting it all together, here's the complete Pascal program:

program ItemPriceCalculator;

Item1Price = 10;
Item2Price = 15;

selectedItem1, selectedItem2: Integer;
totalPrice: Integer;

WriteLn('Item 1 - $', Item1Price);
WriteLn('Item 2 - $', Item2Price);

Write('Select item 1: ');

Write('Select item 2: ');

totalPrice := (selectedItem1 * Item1Price) + (selectedItem2 * Item2Price);

WriteLn('Total Price: $', totalPrice);


Upon running the program, the user will be prompted to select two items and the program will calculate and display the total price based on their choices.