Could I get your opinion on something what do you think is the 3 best peoms of walt whitman?

My favorites are "Chicago" and "I Hear America Singing." When I was a child, I also loved "O Captain, My Captain," but most critics don't count that one as one of his best.

Here's another person's opinion. Read through these poems and decide which ones mean the most to you.

thanks mrs. sue you are so helpful

You're very welcome.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can help you understand three highly regarded poems by Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman was an influential American poet known for his epic style and celebration of democracy, nature, and the individual. Here are three of his notable works:

1. "Leaves of Grass" – Considered Whitman's magnum opus, this collection of poems was published in multiple editions throughout his life. It encompasses themes like the beauty of the self, the interconnectedness of all things, and the democratic spirit. Notable poems in this collection include "Song of Myself," "I Sing the Body Electric," and "O Captain! My Captain!"

2. "Song of Myself" – As one of the standout poems in "Leaves of Grass," this expansive and introspective work is Whitman's exploration of the self and its connection to the wider world. It celebrates the individual while also emphasizing the common bonds that unite us all.

3. "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom'd" – This elegy was written in response to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. It mourns not only the death of Lincoln but also the universal experience of loss and grief. Through vivid descriptions of nature, Whitman explores themes of life, death, and the enduring power of love.

To fully appreciate and form your own opinion on the works of Walt Whitman, I encourage you to read and engage with his poems directly.