Air craft take's off from los angles (120°W) on a ten hours flight to Sydney (150°E) if the take off time is 4:36 pm . on Monday 21 June, what should but the arrival time in Sydney?

Wondering if LA is on standard time, or daylight savings time. If it were on daylight savings time, the plane would land the next morning at 10:34 AM

To calculate the arrival time in Sydney, we need to consider the time zones and the duration of the flight.

1. First, let's determine the time difference between Los Angeles (120°W) and Sydney (150°E). Each time zone covers 15° of longitude, so the time difference between the two locations is (150° - 120°) / 15° = 2 hours.

2. Next, let's calculate the local time at the destination. The take-off time is 4:36 pm in Los Angeles. We need to add 10 hours for the duration of the flight, so the arrival time in Los Angeles will be 4:36 pm + 10 hours = 2:36 am (next day).

3. Now, we need to consider the time difference between Los Angeles and Sydney. As determined earlier, the time difference is 2 hours ahead. Therefore, we need to add 2 hours to the arrival time in Los Angeles.

2:36 am + 2 hours = 4:36 am (next day)

So, the arrival time in Sydney will be 4:36 am on Tuesday 22 June.

To determine the arrival time in Sydney, we need to consider the time difference between Los Angeles and Sydney. Los Angeles is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), while Sydney is in the Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

The time difference between Los Angeles and Sydney is approximately 18 hours ahead. So, if we add 18 hours to the departure time, we can determine the arrival time in Sydney.

Given that the departure time is 4:36 pm on Monday 21 June in Los Angeles, let's add 18 hours to it:

4:36 pm + 18 hours = 10:36 am the next day

Therefore, the arrival time in Sydney should be 10:36 am on Tuesday 22 June.