help guys plzzz :) How could the following sentence be correctly rewritten to have an appositive phrase?

Stacey is an outgoing girl who enjoys acting in school plays.

Stacey, an outgoing girl, enjoys acting in school plays.

Stacey is an outgoing girl, enjoys acting in school plays.

Stacey is an outgoing girl who enjoys acting, in school plays.

Stacey is an outgoing girl, who, enjoys acting in school plays.

Study this.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

oh thx Ms.Sue :)

To rewrite the sentence with an appositive phrase, we need to provide additional information about Stacey. An appositive phrase is a noun phrase that provides more details about a preceding noun by renaming or describing it.

Looking at the options provided, the correct answer is:

A. Stacey, an outgoing girl, enjoys acting in school plays.

In this option, "an outgoing girl" is the appositive phrase because it provides additional information about Stacey. It renames and describes her, giving us a better understanding of her personality.