Change the following to imperfect subjunctive. Spelling and accents count.

á é í ó ú ü ñ


The thing I don't get is that how am I supposed to figure this out if they are referring to a car? A CAR? No he she we you I they, but a car. A DANG MERCEDES. Please don't tell me to use SpanishDict because there is not a section for "it" or "car"

Help pls!

"el" = masculine

Please be aware that Jiskha's Spanish tutor passed away last year, and we have no other. Don't be afraid to use online or published dictionaries and grammars for help in your homework.

Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks :'(

Thank you anyway. I'll do that

To change the verb "ir" (to go) into the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish, you need to conjugate it according to the appropriate subject pronouns. The subject pronoun "Mercedes" is a third-person singular, so you will use the form "fuera" or "fuese."

Now, to address your question about using a car ("it" or "car") as a subject pronoun in Spanish, you are correct that Spanish pronouns do not have a specific equivalent for "it" as in English. However, for the purposes of this exercise, you can simply use the third-person singular form of the verb "ir" (fuera/fuese) to match the subject "Mercedes" (a car).

Here is the sentence with the verb "ir" in the imperfect subjunctive conjugated for "Mercedes":

Mercedes fuera/fuese.

Remember to include the appropriate accents for the accents required in the sentence.