Which of the following do the conflicts in both Darfur and Rwanda illustrate?

The environmental issues many African nations are experiencing.

The problems some African nations are facing as a result of colonialism.

The economic prosperity certain regions in Africa are experiencing.

The peaceful co-existence of ethnic groups within Africa.


so connections academy is a con

Can we just get the dang answers?!

No it's not D

Yes, I did just read scroll through a page of arguments checking my answer.

No, my answer is not properly checked, yet I am entertained.

✨have a cup o’ tea ☕️🍵🧋✨

aight bye.

This one is based on what I can find or know.. No reading assignment

what is the answer?

so is it A or B

@darkhprse we go to the same school

The correct answer is B.

Clearly no one read the textbook they provided,

The conflicts in both Darfur and Rwanda illustrate the problems that some African nations are facing as a result of colonialism. Both conflicts have their roots in historical tensions and inequalities that were exacerbated by colonial rule and the legacies of colonialism. In Rwanda, for example, the Belgian colonizers reinforced ethnic divisions and favored the Tutsi minority over the Hutu majority, setting the stage for future conflict. Similarly, in Darfur, the Sudanese government and Janjaweed militias targeted non-Arab African populations in part because of long-standing tensions and inequalities that were exacerbated by the legacy of colonialism.

So we stopped we’re we started